About C&C, MindShake® and the smile behind

We love grabbing paintbrushes and have fun sneaking around in museums… We dreamt about stimulating the curiosity of our children and to find a way to let them discover the world of art. Was there no way to let them enjoy art and by the same time tell them a little anecdote or some key words about the painter? 
That's how the idea of MindShake® games was born: games that arouse curiosity and encourage creativity around educational topics. By stimulating different parts of the brain (speaking, looking, listening, drawing and miming), you get familiar with a topic while having fun.

ARTSHAKE is the first game of a series. We selected artists that inspire us, from the ones that we know from childhood…  to the ones we didn’t know but found out they had to be part of the game. We have no pretention to present a complete set of artists. We selected them all with our heart and hope they will inspire you as much as they inspired us.

We thank our friends, artists and museums that have supported us during the development of ARTSHAKE. Especially Gerhard Richter,  Delphine de Saxe-Cobourg, Luc Tuymans, Sabine Moritz, Holtzman Foundation (Piet Mondriaan), Van Gogh Museum and the Keith Haring Foundation.

Why art?

Art opens another viewpoint and helps us and especially our children’s cognitive development. A tree is a tree but can be represented in so many ways. From Van Gogh's gentle brush to Piet Mondrian’s squared representation of the tree, the difference is enormous but both artists are greatly respected in their portrayal. 

With ArtShake, C&C aims to offer the children the opportunity to discover the wonderful world of art.

Nurture contrasting or divergent opinion, embrace diversity and value alternative ideas: 

every person can make a valuable contribution to this world in his or her own special way. 

We are also committed 
...to support associations and schools that encourage the access to culture and education

The Red Pencil brings the power of creative arts therapy around the world to children and families who have been through traumatic life circumstances, for which they have no words. Their programmes help them heal and grow through the arts, by offering an alternative way of expression towards balance, empowerment and resilience. Click on the picture below to find out more or to support them! 

and to the environment.

The cards were printed in Belgium under a company with the FSC-certificate, the only credible and commonly recognised environmental certification system in the graphics sector. The box was produced in factory with a roof with 800 panels: 1295 sqm with an expected annual yield of 180.000 kWh of 'green electricity', or the average annual consumption of about 52 households. The electricity is immediately used for the production of solid boxes. The factory pay special attention to products, services or projects that make a positive contribution to the environment.

The journey of ArtShake

Capucine & Cathy 
Curious & Creative
Charlotte & Charlotte

Ce n'est pas une pipe...
Guess where we are this time!

Thank you for the hangouts, whatsapp video and the technolgy!

Belfius Art Collection @Brussels
Thanks for having us!

Walter Vilain - in memoriam 

@Sabine Moritz...

Monsieur Kapla!

Selecting colors is just one of the many tasks in the development !

Koninlijk Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België 

Grateful for all the art teachers that have inspired us!

C&C @ Centre Pompidou Paris

surrounded by CLAC and celebrating first signed contracts!

Spiel 2016!
Getting inspired to get creative !

Discover POP ART @

we are ALL art ...

Little break... Tim Burton exposition @

In between research and development... girls just wanna have fun!

C&C took a little time to get back in shape ... 
but is back to bring the world of art closer to you !

Thank you...

Veerle Verschakelen,  Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam www.vangoghmuseum.nl , The Keith Haring Foundation for the license and the image of Keith Karing, Liesbet Lenaerts and the students from the Academie Beeldende Kunsten Heusden-Zolder, Frank Demaegd from Zeno Gallery www.zeno-x.com and Luc Tuymans, Madalena Holtzman for Piet Mondrian from the Mondriantrust (US) www.mondriantrust.com , Jantine Claus for El Lissitzky https://vanabbemuseum.nl, Beatriz from Frida Kahlo Corporation, Gerhard Richter and Sabine Mortiz www.sabine-moritz.com , Wies van Moorsel for Theo Van Doesburg, Inga from Zentrum Paul Klee www.zpk.org in Bern (CH), Association Route Cezanne du Tholonet www.routecezanne.com , Martine Gautot Musée et Fondation Paul Delvaux, Ashley from the Rothko Chapel and Peter Pauwels for Marthe Donas !